Fewer hurdles, more support: Why business is better here
With step-by-step support through the AAEDC, developers looking to work in Alexandria have fewer hurdles, more support, and full transparency.
Are you ready to start, build, or relocate your business in the vibrant Alexandria community? If so, we’re here to help you find the right location. Check out the site selection resources below and connect with us directly for personalized support. We’d love to walk you through the process.
With step-by-step support through the AAEDC, developers looking to work in Alexandria have fewer hurdles, more support, and full transparency.
If you’ve got prime industrial/commercial property available for sale or lease in Douglas County, Minnesota, be sure to add it to our AAEDC Commercial Properties Database, free of charge. Simply complete the appropriate form(s) below and email it to aaedc@alexmn.org.
Here are some helpful resources for getting to know the Alexandria area. If you have questions, we’re here to help.